The Great Escape

Rediscovering life in Palawan Philippines

What if you could live anywhere in the world?

Man carrying world map

Where in the World? (photo: Timothy Krause)

When we decided to move to the Philippines I joined several expat forums. I wanted to find out as much information as I could to prepare us for the challenges we could face. There are many reasons people move to other countries. Many move to the Philippines because a spouse wants to be close to family. Others move because the cost of living is lower than where they come from.

One member from a particular forum posed this question. If you had no constraints (circumstance, family ties, finances, etc.) and you were free to pick any where in the world, where would you live?

I was half way through writing this post when Paris was attacked. It was afternoon and ‘The Chef’ was playing an online game on his tablet. A player from England typed, “France just closed its borders and it can’t be good.” I asked what that meant and he said something bad must be happening in Paris. I immediately googled ‘Paris’ and there on the screen were the words ‘Paris Attacks.’ It’s hard not to think about what’s happened when I think about the question now.

Over the years I’ve dreamt about living in a little farmhouse in the countryside of France. I could imagine myself gorging on local cheese and fresh bread and washing it all down with a bottle of red. It’s a romantic notion and I laugh at how cliché it sounds but we’re just musing, right?

When I was younger, wilder, more energetic and single the city life had everything I wanted. New York City in the 80s and its gritty East Village appealed to my anti-establishment, artist sensibilities. At the time I could picture myself in some loft splattering paint on some canvas.

I once gave serious consideration to moving to Bali, Indonesia. I love their deep culture, smiling people and beautiful landscape. But after ‘the Chef’ and I visited Palawan I fell in love with Coron. Palawan is one of the most beautiful places I’ve been to. There’s something about the easy-going nature and honesty of the people that makes me feel like my true self. In Coron I feel like life is not dictated by time, fashion or trend. It suits us well.

So, if you had your choice where would you live?

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6 thoughts on “What if you could live anywhere in the world?

  1. On a barge in Europe… to go where the wine is good and the culture inviting!! I dream!!!!!! 😉

  2. At my age, I’d stay here within the confines of the Country I’m familiar with but I’d certainly move to a more temperate climate so I could garden year round. 🙂 Prayers for a more peaceful world for all of us to enjoy.

    • Canada is our home and we will always love it, especially its natural beauty, but we also want a warmer climate where we can be outdoors most of the time. I too hope for peace in the world. Palawan unfortunately also has some conflict as the waters of the South China Sea are being claimed by China as well as other bordering Asian nations.

  3. liz2you on said:

    I have recently retired after dedicating 16 years to a Hospice charity, and we are going to retire in Ireland, live a slower lifestyle and take up my creative hobbies again! Keep up the good work!! Liz.

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